アーサー・ランサムの世界 by COOT

Death and Glory

Last update : 1997/11/30

Music : Sir Thomas Arne
Lyrics : Peter 「南海の恐怖」 Dowden for Ratty and his family
訳詞 : ARC Sea Shanty Club

Death and Glory 死と栄光
When Margoletta refused at Pete's command
To move from out the coots' domain
To move to move to move from out the coots' domain
This noisy charter boat soon parted from the land
And gaudy hullabaloos soon heard this refrain:

Death and Glory! Wherever she maurauds
Coots for ever and ever rule the Broads!
Death and Glory! Wherever she maurauds
Coots for ever and ever rule the Broads!

With turbans, patches on the eyes, they play the Pirate lark,
You can't expect them to be bird protecting all the time
You can't expect them to be bird protecting all the time
But when it comes to salvege, they beat any Yarmouth shark
And rescued the Margoletta from Breydon's slime


This old black boat ain't the fastest on the Bure
Unless Joe has got an easterly in his pockut
Unless unless unless Joe has got an easterly in his pockut
With sail and two engeines, each hauling on an oar
This old boat, she fare to go like a blooming rockut!


The Northern Pirates nests shall guard
All George Owden's attempts to bring them down
All George Owden's attempts to bring them down
Will but arouse the team of Scotland Yard
To work his woe and their renown


In Jonatt's cruiser the Pirates escaped
Who could resist the Bonnka's tempting call?
Who could, who could, resist the Bonnka's tempting call?
Then rescured the Houseboat from the narrowest of scrapes
"Gee whizz! Maybe salvege ain't so bad after all!"


The Salvage Company can still be found,
So happy to do boat repairs
So happy happy happy to do boat repairs
Blessed land of Norfolk! Where matchless birds around
With manly heartes to guard nesting pairs!

めいわくボート ぐれん隊
聞けよ ぼくらのこの歌を

死と栄光 まもれ川を
オオバンクラブの旗 なびかせて
死と栄光 まもれ川を
オオバンクラブの旗 なびかせて

しごとは 鳥まもるだけじゃない
救え どろに沈む船


ないときは ふたつのエンジンが
オールをとり 漕ぎに漕ぐ
とばせ ロケットのいきおいで


つぎつぎと悪だくみ している
手をとりあって 立てよスコットランドヤード
あかせ 闇から真実を


ジョナットの船に 忍び込み
さてと仕事は 上出来だ


ぼくらのノーフォーク 胸をはって
見張れ 卵を鳥の巣を


A variation of MIDI data is available from "English Midi Page"


Rule Britannia
When Britain first, at Heav'n's command,
A rose from out the azure main,
A rose, a rose, a rose from out the azure main,
This was the charter, the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sung this strain:

Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves,
Britons never, never, never will be slaves,
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves,
Britons never, never, never will be slaves,

The nations not so blest as thee,
Must in their turn to tyrants fall;
Must in their turn to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish, great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.


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